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Mild Steel (MS) Flanges

METALICA FORGING INC. is one of the leading Mild Steel Flanges Manufacturers in India and Suppliers in India. Our products are expertly engineered using the most advanced processes available. MS flange has some outstanding characteristics like Wear resistance, Resistance to plastic deformation, Chipping resistance, Good machinability and grind ability, Good Fabric ability, Strong & Tough Construction, Durable, Resistant to plastic deformation, Durable, High tensile strength, etc.
Cities We Supply Mild Steel Flange:

Our high-quality Mild Steel Flange, which has excellent working strength and properties, is performing well in a variety of industrial applications. We manufacture all types of flanges in various materials and grades to meet the needs of our esteemed clients. 
Product source: Mild Steel Flange Supplier in India
Other product: Flanges Manufacturer in India


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