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CoinDesk-Bitcoin, Ethereum, Crypto News and Price Data


We are building the most influential, trusted information platform for a global community engaged in the transformation of the financial system and the emerging crypto economy. CoinDesk is an integrated platform for media, events, data & indices for the next generation of investing and the future of money.

Our leading journalists and cryptocurrency prices are regularly featured in top-tier media including Axios, Bloomberg, Business Insider, CBS News, CNBC, The Economist, Financial Times, Forbes, Fortune, MarketWatch, Nasdaq, The Wall Street Journal, and USA Today, Yahoo Finance!

CoinDesk Indices are the bellwether for the market. They are the industry standard for institutional-grade cryptocurrency pricing with billions of dollars in monthly trading volume quoted against them. The flagship CoinDesk Bitcoin Price Index (XBX) is a spot reference rate for BTC that benchmarks the world's first publicly traded bitcoin fund and the world's first bitcoin ETF.

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